Sunday, January 26, 2020

Effect of GA3 on Attributes and Yield of Summer Tomato

Effect of GA3 on Attributes and Yield of Summer Tomato Effect of GA3 on Some Biochemical Attributes and Yield of Summer Tomato M. S. Rahman, Md. Azadul Haque and Md. G. Mostofa Abstract An experiment was carried out in pots at Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, Mymensingh, during March to July 2012 to evaluate the influence of different concentrations of GA3 on biochemical parameters at different growth stages in order to maximize the yield of summer tomato var. Binatomato-2. The concentrations of GA3 used were 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 ppm and they were applied at three stages, namely root soaking of seedlings before transplanting, vegetative and flowering stages. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Results indicated that the highest chlorophyll and soluble protein contents were recorded when GA3 was applied through root soaking followed by vegetative stage and the lowest was found at the flowering stage. In contrast, the highest nitrate reductase activity was observed when GA3 was applied at the vegetative stage and the lowest activity was recorded at the flowering stage. The applications of 50-75 ppm GA3 had significantly encouraged the bio-chemical parameters studied at 50 DAT. The amount of GA3 applied at different stages had significant influence on the yield and yield attributes of summer tomato. The highest plant height was recorded when 50 ppm of GA3 was applied at the vegetative stage. While, the longest time to first fruit setting was required when the roots of the seedlings were soaked in 100 ppm GA3 solution. The application of 50 ppm GA3 by root soaking had significantly increased the number of flowers, fruits and fruit yield per plant but similar performances were achieved when only 25 ppm GA3 was applied at the flowering stage. The fruit yield of tomato per plant increased linearly with the increased number of flowers and fruits per plant. Keywords: Concentration, Chlorophyll, GA3, Soluble protein, Nitrate reductase activity Introduction Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) is one of the most popular and nutritious vegetables of Bangladesh. Tomato is cultivated all over the country due to its adaptability to a wide range of soil and climate. Normally tomato is grown in winter season due to its requirements for temperate climate. Hence, it is difficult to grow tomato in summer season due to adverse climatic conditions, such as high temperature, high rain fall, hailstorms, etc. Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA) has developed some tomato varieties to cultivate in summer season. But the yield potential of these varieties can not be achieved due to the above mentioned climatic conditions. In summer season, tomato can however be successfully grown under glasshouse conditions. But it is not possible for the poor farmers to go for large scale production in glasshouses because it is highly expensive and need technical skills. The other option is the use of plant growth regulators to minimize the effect of harsh e nvironments in order to maximize the yield of summer tomato. Results of some studies indicated that the application of Gibberellic acid (GA3) had significantly increased the number of fruits per plant than the untreated controls (Tomar and Ramgiry, 1997). Adlakha and Verma (1964) reported that the application of GA3 on flower cluster resulted in an increase in fruit weight. To increase the yield as well as to avoid flower and fruit dropping, application of GA3 at optimum concentration and at right time is important. Gibberellic acid has great effects on plant physiological systems including fruit setting, leaf expansion, germination, breaking dormancy, increasing fruit size, improving fruit quality and in many other aspects of plant growth and thereby on crop production. Keeping the above circumstances in view, the present study was under taken to evaluate the performance of GA3 on biochemical properties, growth and yield attributes and to determine the optimum time and concentratio n of GA3 application in order to maximize the yield of Binatomato-2. Materials and Methods A pot experiment was conducted with tomato var. Binatomato-2 at the experimental site of Crop Botany Department, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, during March to July 2012. Five levels of GA3 (Gibberellic Acid) viz. 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 ppm were applied at (i) seedling stage by root soaking before transplanting (ii) vegetative stage [20 days after transplanting (DAT)] and (iii) flowering stage (40 DAT) by hand sprayer. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Twelve kilograms of sun-dried sandy loam soil and cow dung, urea, TSP and MP @ 583.33, 2.9, 2.54 and 1.81 g/pot corresponding to 10 tons, 400, 350 and 250 kg/ha were applied in each pot. Before pot filling, full doses of TSP, MP and cow dung were thoroughly mixed with the soil. Half of the urea was applied during transplanting and the remaining half at vegetative stage. Intercultural operations were done as and when necessary. Data on yield and yield contributing c haracters were recorded at final harvest. Biochemical analyses viz. chlorophyll, soluble protein contents and nitrate reductase activities in leaves were estimated at 50 DAT following the methods of Arnon (1949), Lowery et al. (1951) and Stewart and Orebamjo (1979). Data were analyzed statistically to find out the level of significance using MSTAT-C package programme (Russel, 1986) and significant differences among the treatments were adjudged by Duncan`s New Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at 5% level of significance (Gomez and Gomez, 1984). Results and Discussion There were significant differences among the treatments in respect of chlorophyll content, soluble protein content and nitrate reductase (NR) activities in tomato leaves at 50 DAT (Table 1). The highest chlorophyll content in leaves was obtained when the roots of seedlings were soaked in GA3 solutions before transplanting, which was identical to the application of GA3 at vegetative stage. The lowest chlorophyll content was found in plants when GA3 was applied at the flowering stage. Chlorophyll content in leaves was influenced significantly due to the application of different concentrations of GA3. The highest chlorophyll content was found from 100 ppm GA3 followed by 75 ppm and the lowest was found from the control, which was identical to those obtained from the application of 25 and 50 ppm of GA3. Chlorophyll content increased with increased concentrations of GA3. The application of GA3 through root soaking of seedlings and at vegetative stages resulted in the highest but similar soluble protein contents in tomato leaves and the lowest was found when it was applied at the flowering stage. The soluble protein content in leaves was also significantly influenced by the application of variable levels of GA3. The highest content was recorded with 50 ppm and the lowest content was recorded with 100 ppm GA3 which indicated that soluble protein content in leaves increased significantly until the application of 50 ppm and thereafter decreased with further increase in GA3 concentrations. Adlakha and Verma (1964) also reported that 50 ppm GA3 had appreciably increased the protein content in leaves. The maximum nitrate reductase activity was recorded at vegetative stage. The lowest was observed in flowering stage and this was similar to the activity performed when GA3 was applied through root soaking. Nitrate reductase activity was significantly influenced by the application of different concentrations of GA3. The maximum nitrate reductase activity was recorded with 75 ppm GA3 and the minimum was found from the control. Spraying of 50 and 75 ppm GA3 did not show any difference in NR activities at 40 days after planting. The applications of GA3 at different stages of plant growth resulted in significant influence on yield and yield attributes of summer tomato. The highest plant height was recorded when GA3 was applied at the vegetative stage and the lowest height was recorded at the flowering stage. GA3 had significant influence on plant height. It increased until the application of 50 ppm and declined remarkably with further increase in GA3 concentrations. The interactions between stage and concentrations of GA3 indicated that the application of 50 ppm of GA3 at the vegetative stage encouraged vigorous plant growth and thereby resulted in the highest plant height. There was no significant difference among the stages of hormone application in respect of time to first fruit setting. The maximum number of flowers, fruits and fruit weight per plant was produced when GA3 was applied through root soaking followed by the vegetative stage. All those parameters showed the lowest results when GA3 was applied at flowering stage. Similar result was also reported by Kaushik et al., 1974. They applied GA3 at vegetative stage and obtained increased fruit weight per plant. Sanyal et al. (1995) observed that foliar application was more effective than root soaking of seedlings. GA3 concentrations had statistically significant effect on plant height, time to first fruit setting, number of flowers, fruits and fruit weight per plant. The highest plant height was found with the application of 50 ppm GA3 which was identical to 25 ppm and the lowest was found from the control. The maximum time for first fruit setting was required when GA3 was applied at 100 ppm and t he lowest time was required with lower concentrations of GA3. The maximum number of flowers, fruits and fruit weight per plant was produced with 50 ppm GA3 application and the lowest was recorded with 100 ppm. Saleh and Abdul (1980) reported similar result from their experiment. They found that GA3 at 50 ppm decreased the total number of flowers per plant but increased the total yield. Hossain (1974), Adlakha and Verma (1995) found that the application of 50 ppm GA3 had increased the fruit setting, while Saleh and Abdul (1980) observed that GA3 at 25 or 50 ppm had increased the total yield of tomato compared to the control. Sanyal et al. (1995) also found that 50 ppm of GA3 had profound effect on the yield of tomato. The interaction between GA3 concentrations and stages of application indicated that the highest number of flowers, fruits and fruit weight per plant were produced when GA3 was applied through root soaking of seedlings at 50 ppm which was identical to the application of 50 ppm at vegetative stage or 25 ppm at flowering stage. A positive and linear relationship was found between the number of flowers per plant and fruit weight per plant (r = 0.96**) (Figure 1), number of fruits per plant and fruit weight per plant (r = 0.99**) (Figure 2) which indicated that the fruit yield of tomato is highly influenced by the production of flowers and the retention of fruits per plant irrespective of the stage and amount of GA3 applied in tomato plants. Conclusion It was revealed from the study that application of GA3 at the rate of 50-75 ppm by root soaking and at vegetative stage increased biochemical properties as well as increase the number of flowers, fruits and fruit yield per plant of Binatomato-2. It can be concluded that foliar application of 50 ppm Gibberelic acid on Binatomato-2 variety provide the best result in terms of biochemical attributes and yield. References Adlakha, P. A. Verma, S. K. (1964). Effect of gibberellic acid on the quality of tomato fruit. Punjab Horticulture Journal. 4 (3-4), 148-151. Adlakha, P. A. Verma, S. K. 1995. Effect of gibberellic acid on fruiting and yield of tomatoes. Science and Culture 31, 301-303. Arnon, D. I. (1949). Copper enzymes in isolated chloroplasts, polyphenol oxidase in Beta vulgaris. Plant Physiology. 24, 1-5. Briant, R. E. (1974). An analysis of the effect of gibberellic acid on tomato leaf growth. Journal of . Experimental Botany. 25, 764-771. Gomez, K. A. Gomez, A. A. (1984). Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research. (2nd ed.). International Rice Research Institute. John Wiley and Sons, New York, p. 139-240. Hossain, M. A. E. (1974). Studies on the effect of parachlorophenoxy acetic acid and gibberellic acid on the production of tomato. M. Sc. Ag. Thesis, Dep. of Horticulture, Banglaesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. Hunt, R. (1978). Plant growth analysis studies in biology. Edward Arnold Ltd. London, p. 67. Kaushik, M. P., Sharma, J. K. Singh, I. (1974). Effect of alpha naphthalene acetic acid , gibberellic acid , kinetin and morphactin on yield of tomato. Plant Science. 6, 51-53. Lowerry, O. H., Roserrough, N. J., Farr, A. L. Randall, R. J. (1951). Protein measurement with the folin phenol reagent. Journal of Biology and Chemistry 193, 265-275. Rusell, D. F.(1986). MSTAT-C Package Programme. Crop and Soil Science Department, Michigan State University, USA. Saleh, M. M. S. Abdul, K. S. (1980). Effect of gibberellic acid and cycocel on growth, flowering and fruiting of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) plants. Mesopotamia Journal of Agriculture 15(1), 137-166. Sanyal, D., Kar, P. L. Longkumar, M. (1995). Effect of growth regulators on the physico-chemical composition of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Advances in Hort. And Forestry, 4, 67-71. Stewart, G.R. Orebamjo, T.O. (1979). Some unusual characteristics of nitrate reduction in Erythrina senegalensis DC . New Phytology 83, 311-319. Tomar, I. S. Ramgiry, S. R. (1997). Effect of growth regulators on yield and yield attributes in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Advance Plant Science 10 (2), 29-31. Table 1. Effect of GA3 application at different stages of plant growth on bio- chemical parameters of summer tomato var. Binatomato-2 at 40 DAT In a column, figures having similar letter(s) do not differ significantly at 5% level of probability by DMRT. Table 2. Effect of GA3 application at different stages of plant growth on yield and yield components of summer tomato var. Binatomato-2 In a column, figures having similar letter(s) do not differ significantly at 5% level of probability by DMRT. Significant at 5% level, ** Significant at 1% level

Saturday, January 18, 2020

The Cornerstone of Christian Faith: the Resurrection of Jesus

The resurrection of Jesus Christ separates Christianity from all other religions. Christianity without the literal, physical resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is merely one religion among many. â€Å"And if Christ is not risen,† said the Apostle Paul, â€Å"then our preaching is empty and your faith is in vain†. (1 Corinthians 15:14) Furthermore, â€Å"You are still in your sins! † Paul could not have chosen stronger language. (Mohler) Still, the resurrection of Jesus Christ has been under persistent attacks since the Apostolic age. Why? Because it is the central confirmation of Jesus' identity as the incarnate Son of God, and the ultimate sign of Christ's completed work of atonement, redemption, reconciliation, and salvation. Those who oppose Christ recognize the Resurrection as the vindication of Christ against His enemies. Christ’s resurrection is the cornerstone of our faith. Without it, Christianity crumbles. It is precisely because the physical resurrection of Christ is at the very heart of Christianity that it is constantly under attack. Our culture frequently denies the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ due to a bias against miracles. It is common for aberrant Christianity and cultism to deny the physical resurrection of Christ as well. For these reasons, we must be equipped to defend this essential of essentials. To do so, let's look back at the biblical and historical records of Christ's resurrection. (Hanegraaff) First, the physical resurrection of Christ is affirmed in the Scripture. When the Jewish leaders asked for a miraculous sign, Jesus answered, â€Å"Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days† (John 2:19). Scripture confirms that the temple he was speaking of was the temple of his own body. John states: â€Å"That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched — this we proclaim concerning the Word of Life† (1 John 1:1). Furthermore, the confessions of Christianity are replete with references to the physical resurrection of the Redeemer. Cyril of Jerusalem proclaimed, â€Å"Let no heretic ever persuade thee to speak evil of the Resurrection. For to this day the Manichees say that the resurrection of the Savior was phantom-wise, and not real. (Hanegraaff) Like the church fathers, the medieval church and the Reformation produced compelling confessions concerning the bodily resurrection. Thomas Aquinas condemns those who â€Å"have not believed in the resurrection of the body, and have strained to twist the words of holy Scripture to mean a spiritual resurrection. † the Westminster Confession assert: â€Å"On the third day he rose from the dead, with the same bod y in which he suffered; with which also he ascended into heaven, and there sittith at the right hand of the Father. (Hanegraaff) Finally, the characteristics of Christ's body bear eloquent truth to his physical resurrection. Jesus invited the disciples to examine His resurrected His resurrected body so that they would know beyond the shadow of a doubt that it was the exact same one that had been fatally tormented. He also ate food as proof of the nature of His resurrected body. Jesus provided the final exclamation mark for His physical resurrection by telling the disciples that His resurrected body was comprised of â€Å"flesh and bones. † â€Å"Touch me and see;† He says, â€Å"a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have† (Luke 24:39). Those who would attack the Church and reject its gospel must direct their arrows at the most crucial truth claim of the New Testament and the disciples: That Jesus Christ, having suffered death on a cross, though sinless, having borne the sins of those He came to save, having been buried in a sealed and guarded grave, was raised by the power of God on the third day. The two factors about the resurrection which are very significant for the Christian faith are as follows; †¢It became the fruits for the believer’s own experience. As Christ rose from the grave so shall the believer be. This shows the triumph of faith over the grave. †¢It is by the resurrection that the divine approval is shown for the work of Christ on the cross. The resurrection is the coping stone of the whole ministry of Jesus. In conclusion and simply stated, Christianity stands or falls with the empty grave. If Christ is not raised, our faith is in vain. Paul asserted that Christ rose from the dead and our faith is not in vain, but is in the risen Lord. Jesus willingly faced death on a cross and defeated death from the grave. The Resurrection is the ultimate sign of God's vindication of His Son. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the promise of our resurrection from the dead, and of Christ's total victory over sin and death. Therefore, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is at the very center of the Christian gospel. Bibliography Hanegraaff, Hank. â€Å"Jesus Christ's Resurrection: The Exclamation Point. † 03 March 2008. Crosswalk. com. 08 October 2011 . Mohler, Albert. Christianity. com. Unknown. 07 October 2011 . The NIV Study Bible. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1995.

Friday, January 10, 2020

What Everyone Is Saying About Why You Should Visit Our Country Persuasive Essay Samples Is Dead Wrong and Why

What Everyone Is Saying About Why You Should Visit Our Country Persuasive Essay Samples Is Dead Wrong and Why For example, say you really need the opportunity to learn from the world-famous Professor X. Since you may see, locating an appropriate topic is not quite as simple as it might appear. It's vital that the service you select knows for sure they're only selecting the very best essay writers. Do everything you can to sound enthusiastic concerning the student exchange program you are likely to take part in. Teachers should have a complete responsibility of student's poor outcomes. Students need more practical subjects to learn the way to use various things. A number of other students will apply to the exact student exchange program. High school, college, and sometimes even university students from all around the world are writing persuasive essays. High school isn't free in Kenya. Every city has more than 1 college within it. In the Alps is the famed Mont Blanc, that's the maximum mountain in all Europe. What Everybody Dislikes About Why You Should Visit Our Country Persuasive Essay Samples and Why Structure Let's take a better look at the sort of our samples. When the research is ready, you might have many diverse elements to cover the topic. If you are in possession of a challenging assignment to work on, find expert help at our on-line paper writing service. The primary purpose of this sort of assignment is to provide an argumentative analysis on a specific topic. The same as an argumentative essay, a persuasive paper demands an adequate amount of expertise and knowledge of a particular field. With the demand for writing help increasing, various paper writing services are established to assist you with your writing tasks. The Why You Should Visit Our Country Persuasive Essay Samples Game Teachers should complete annual tests to receive a license. There aren't any hesitations. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Social Work Career As A Social Worker - 925 Words

Social Work Career If you are an individual who seeks to promote human well-being and have an intense desire to help others, you might consider pursuing a career in social work. â€Å"Social work is a practice-based profession and an academic discipline that promotes social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people† (International Federation of Social Workers, 2014, para. 2). Social workers identify those who need help, examine their situations and develop plans to resolve their issues. They help individuals cope with issues such as substance abuse, finance, and personal relationships. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, advocacy is an important aspect of social work. Social workers advocate or raise awareness with and on behalf of their clients and the social work profession on local, state, and national levels (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2015, para. 6). There are many different practices and approaches considered by the practitioner to determine an applicable approach towards intervention. Another variation of a social worker, (known as a clinical social worker) may also diagnose and treat people with mental, behavioral, and emotional issues. There are numerous career paths in social work, providing a broad range of opportunities and environments. Although all social workers espouse the common goal of helping others, professionals have the opportunity to specialize their services and focus on certainShow MoreRelatedChildren And Family Social Worker1612 Words   |  7 PagesFebruary 2016 Children and Family Social Worker The social work field is solely dedicated to the giving back of others. A person in the career must be willing to spend hours working to make differences in clients’ lives. Children and family social work can be a very rewarding profession but yet challenging at times. 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